House Rules
No smoking (inside), no parties or events
Check-in time is flexible and check out by 12PM (noon)
Self check-in is available
Drunkenness is not permitted. Drunk guests will be asked to leave - no refund.
Only small pets allowed inside (< 14lbs.)
You must be able to attest that your pet is fully house trained.
You will be held liable for any damage.
Larger dogs can stay on the enclosed porch in a kennel you provide.
Pets taken outside
must be on a leash.
The neighbor has hunting dogs and so your pets safety would be at risk.
If your dog were to run into the pasture, it would be at significant risk from our donkeys whose purpose is to protect the sheep from perceived predators.
You must also acknowledge
Pet(s) live on the property There are Dogs that run loose. Farm animals are behind fences.
Amenity limitations - Washer & Dryer (in the basement) are available, but shared in a community space with basement occupant.
Stairs - Two steps leading into the house (currently there is no handrail there)
Security Deposit - if you damage the home, you may be charged up to $200
Weapons on property - This is the country - everyone here has guns that are stored safely
Audio Bible
Old Testament:
New Testament: